FACT: Using a bar of soap on your face is bad for your skin.
But...... is washing your face with soap really bad for your skin?

However, is washing your face with a bar of soap really that bad for your skin?
Well, it can be quite damaging to the skin to cleanse your face with a bar of facial soap, especially if it is not followed by adequate moisturising afterwards. Although many bar soaps are now better formulated and gentler (due to a lower pH that closely matches the normal skin level), they will still be more drying sulphate-free gels, foams, liquids and creams. (What does sulphate-free mean? Read about sulphate-free cleansers here.) The binders that hold a bar of soap together naturally have a higher pH than products that are formulated specifically for cleansing the face, so they will have a drying effect on the skin. Skin that is dry and parches is bad for the long-term health and look of the skin.
Why is it bad to dry out the skin?
When you wash with a foaming cleanser or soap that is too drying, it pulls all the water out of the skin and creates dead, dry skin cell buildup. To compensate for the moisture you removed, your moisturiser not have to repair the dehydrated cells caused from cleansing. (not efficient at all!) Every product that your face should be offering something beneficial and not something harmful or potentially damaging.
Are some bar soaps gentler than others?
Yes, there are bar soaps with moisturising agents to make them gentler, but they are still a no-no in my book. Foaming cleansers are fine, I just don’t suggest ones in a bar form. Here’s the rule when it comes to foaming cleansers: The more lather and larger bubbles a foaming cleansers produces, the more drying it will be. The less lather with smaller bubbles, the less drying it will be.
What if I use a bar of soap and it doesn’t dry out my skin?

The verdict however is the user and soap and water has been used for centuries; many famous celebrities swear by it as the best cleanser of all time. But not all skin is equal, so choose your skin type here to see which cleanser is right for you.
Benefits of Soapless Skin Cleansers

These cleansers are also less likely to produce soap scum ie the combination of soap and hard water. Water that's high in calcium (hard water supply in some areas) can create a soap scum that leaves a residue on your skin. Soapless cleansers also have a longer shelf life than soap and soap deteriorates easily when it comes in contact with water but soapless cleansers can last for years.

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