Better then Botox?
We'd all love to look younger and fresher, but how do we go about it without resorting to needles and cosmetic surgery? If you are dreaming of dreaming of dewy, wrinkle-free skin, these age zapping complementary therapies and holistic beauty treatments are natural ways to hold back the years.......
Many people use botox injections to keep their youthful appearance, and while it may work for some, there are many cases of people taking the smoothing effects a little too far, but there are loads of natural treatments and therapies out there which can have a youth-boosting effect, not just on your face but on your entire body So here's how to look ten years younger, the natural way!
Cryotherapy for beauty can help maintain a youthful appearance while reducing the signs of ageing such as wrinkles, fine lines, and blemishes. ... Cryotherapy for beauty treatments are designed to shock the body into action by increasing blood circulation and boosting the immune and central nervous systems. This chilly therapy involves exposing yourself to extremely low temperatures (as low as -140 degrees) for a short duration of time. It is believed to regenerate tissues and stimulate collagen production.
Acupuncture has been around for thousands of years and although relatively new to the West the Chinese have been using points on the face to combat the signs of ageing and to help with various skin conditions for many years. It was in use as early as the Song Dynasty (960AD - 1279AD) when the Empress and Emperor's concubines received Cosmetic Acupuncture. So, what kind of results can be achieved? Unlike BOTOX®, which carries a large number of possible side effects, Cosmetic Acupuncture is a totally natural and holistic anti-ageing treatment that aims to reduce fine lines and wrinkles.
Cosmetic Acupuncture, in contrast, will require a course of treatment to show pronounced results. However, the whole face is treated and as body points are also used, a patient's health and well-being can be greatly improved by undertaking a series of treatments. Facial patients often report that they feel healthier, sleep better, have brighter eyes and feel more balanced; those are the kind of side effects we like! The acupuncture points and the way that they are used in a Cosmetic Acupuncture session have all been chosen specifically with this overall achievement of well-being in mind.
This treatment also works on lifting the face, particularly where the face begins to sag around the 'jowls' and the cheek area, rather than simply targeting wrinkles. This facial rejuvenation acupuncture treatment is based on the principles of Chinese Medicine. It involves inserting very fine needles into the face and throughout the body, in particular areas of the face, ears, neck, hands, and legs along channels or meridians of qi. The effects can be very noticeable - fine lines and deep wrinkles are diminished, bags under eyes reduced, jowls firmed, puffiness eliminated, droopy eyelids lifted and double chins minimised. Further treatment can also help dry skin by increasing local circulation of blood and lymph to the face.
Crystal healing is an ancient therapy that uses the powers of crystals and gems in order to help improve general health and well- being. It is a Holistic treatment therefore it helps to create health and balance emotionally, physically and spiritually. Crystals have been used for many years for their amazing benefits but it is only now as we are seeking alternative ways to help with our problems and worries that crystals have come to the forefront of holistic therapies.
Crystal healers harness the energetic powers of therapeutic stones by placing them on reflex points on the face and body to promote vitality Many therapists use rose quartz in their facial massages as it has long been prized for beauty rituals across the world and is famed for its health-boosting properties. Meanwhile, other therapists can offer a crystal wand massage, designed to combine the benefits of crystal healing and with traditional massage techniques, reiki, acupressure points and a blend of essential oils.
Meso (from the Greek mesos, meaning "middle") and therapy (from the Greek therapeia "to treat medically") is the practice of using a combination of target-specific micro-injections into the second layer of the skin in order to deliver healing or corrective treatment. The French Academy of Medicine recognised mesotherapy as a Speciality of Medicine in 1987. Mesotherapy has been widely used for aesthetic purposes as an alternative or complementary to traditional non-surgical cosmetic treatments such as dermal fillers and wrinkle relaxing injections.
This prickly beauty treatment uses tiny needles to pump high-strength nutrients and vitamins directly into the skin. As the skin ages the blood supply diminishes such that the supply of nutrition, oxygen and water to the skin is sub-optimal. Mesotherapy basically bypasses the circulation and delivers the nutrients to the skin cells from the outside; tiny injections are made into the dermis and epidermis so that the cells imbibe the nutrient and water-rich mixture.
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