DHEA is the hormone that preserves our skin's youth. As we age, our skin's DHEA levels rapidly decline until at age 60 they are 40% or less than the levels at age 30. Our Anti-Ageing Skin Treatments can normally contains 1% DHEA, as well as a unique blend of herbs known to preserve and protect our skin from ageing and sun damage.
Equally, Anti-Agring Moisturising Creams with 1% DHEA is on the cutting-edge of the anti-ageing revolution in skin care. The only skin cream that is guaranteed to repair and reverse the effects of age and sun damage to the skin. It fades and removes the blemishes and spots associated with ageing and sun damaged skin
Men and women under 30 can also use this cream to treat over exposure to the sun and elements, or to treat sunburn, psoriasis, eczema, and dermatitis. DHEA levels in young women are also the marker for breast size. Women with higher levels of DHEA have naturally larger breast size.
The active ingredient is DHEA, which is a hormone produced by the adrenal gland. It is the most abundant hormone in the blood system, and is found in even higher levels in the skin. The body's natural production of DHEA falls from about 30 mg a day at age 25-30 to under 6 mg per day in men over 50 and after menopause in women.
Ageing skin is skin that is no longer being replenished with DHEA. This is one of the principal causes of wrinkling, brown ageing spots, and the lack of elasticity. In fact, DHEA levels in the skin of men and women over age 50 is just 20% of the level present in men and women under 30. It has been scientifically demonstrated that the topical application of our Anti-Ageing Hormone Cream with DHEA will reverse ageing and over exposure to the sun. Both men and women who have applied our Anti-Ageing Moisturising Cream to both face and hands have reported the rapid fading of brown spots, the reduction and elimination of wrinkles, softer and younger looking skin, and other pleasant effects.
The Anti-Ageing Moisturiser Cream with DHEA should be applied continuously for 20 days before improvements become obvious. Amazing results are generally seen after treatment for thirty days. If treatment is then discontinued, beneficial results will diminish and age and brown spots will gradually reappear.
DHEA is the most important hormone present in the skin. Topical application to the skin will replenish this vital hormone and stimulate the skin's immune system, specifically the skin's sebaceous glands, increasing the skin's metabolism and activity. DHEA has been shown to have many other beneficial effects including the prevention or slowing the growth of skin cancers, tumours, and it is an established treatment for psoriasis, eczema, seborrhoea, and dermatitis. It relieves dry skin and is very effective in the treatment of burns of all types.
Anti-Aging Moisturising Cream should be applied daily to the hands and face and any other part of the body desired. For best results, it is suggested that the Anti-Aging Moisturiser be used together with an oral supplement of DHEA tablets or our Triple Hormone Tablets containing DHEA.
Many large cosmetic companies offer highly publicised anti-ageing wrinkle creams. What they fail to tell you is that these products actually speed the skin's ageing process and increase skin cancer risks. Clinical studies in the USA and Europe show the effects of these creams to be temporary at best and damaging in the short-term and a leading cause of skin ageing in the long-term. Read the DERMATOLOGY TIMES report and discover what the beauty tycoons like some brand-name manufacturers do not want you to know about their dangerous products THE WRINKLE CREAM FRAUD.
Look out for creams that contain none of the listed dangerous alphahydroxy and glycolic chemicals.
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