Saturday 14 July 2018

Anti-ageing miracle supplements

Image result for anti ageing supplements msnThe beauty industry is awash with anti-ageing beauty supplements but which key ingredients should you be looking out for? Could the secret to radiant skin be as simple as popping a pill? While most of us are happy to spend a small fortune on wrinkle-smoothing lotions and serums, many experts believe that caring for your skin from within is equally important, especially as we get older.

Your skin is a reflection of what's happening on the inside and the importance of a healthy diet cannot be emphasised enough. However as we age, the body is less effective at extracting key nutrients from what we eat. I f you add to that the fact that food quality may be low, and our need for a large quantity of amino acids from proteins for optimum skin care, here's where supplements can help with their high concentrations of key ingredients." So where to start? The beauty industry is awash with anti-ageing beauty supplements but which key ingredients should you be looking out for? So what are the top picks?

Image result for anti ageing supplements msnThis magic mineral, which is a form of sulphur, plays an essential part in the synthesis of collagen and keratin, which are key for maintaining healthy, youthful skin. Incorporating M S M supplements into your routine is one of the best decisions you can take to improve your skin health. MSM is vital for collagen production. It is also a fantastic anti-inflammatory, so it not only acts as a preventative measure against skin ageing but also
calms reactive or stressed skin.

The king of complexion boosters, this age-busting protein assists in keeping skin looking fabulous. Collagen is the main protein of the body. It helps keep skin elastic, firm and hydrated, thus minimising wrinkles. However, we produce less and less of it as we get older, which is why it's essential to up your intake. As we age, collagen decreases, so it's important to recommend boosting its presence with a supplement. I have previously written about collagen and its benefits in an earlier blog.  You can read it here: 

Produced by your body, this remarkable water-holding molecule is like the fountain of youth when it comes to skin maintenance. This substance is found within almost all o f the cells of the human body, most abundantly in the joints and the skin. A study in the International Journal of Dermatology, found that levels of hyaluronic acid in the skin decrease as we get older which could exacerbate wrinkles, so taking a daily supplement is a no-brainer.


One of the key nutrients when it comes to combating skin ageing, this essential vitamin is vital for a radiant and glowing complexion. Vitamin A is important for normal cell production and repair throughout the body. It influences the skin's immune and sun protection qualities and helps prevent collagen breakdown and maintain skin firmness.

Keep your complexion looking plump and radiant with this extract from the bark of the maritime pine tree, which helps to improve circulation to the skin. Blood supply to the skin is extremely important if it is to get all the oxygen and nutrients it needs. Pycnogenol can help with skin hydration and vitality, as well as reducing wrinkles by binding with collagen and elastin to protect from various harmful enzymes.
Image result for anti ageing supplements msn
Unfortunately, most people don't get enough of these super skin nutrients in their diet.

A water soluble active form of vitamin B3, this radiance-boosting vitamin helps to improve the ability of the epidermis, the upper-most layer of the skin, to retain moisture - leading to softer, smoother skin with less dryness and flakiness, and a reduction of fine lines. It is found in yeast, lean meats, fish and nuts or can be taken as an oral supplemen with evidence showing that it also has anti-inflammatory effects.

A wrinkle-fighting warrior, coenzyme QIO is one of a group of antioxidants (others include selenium and vitamins. A, C and E) that mop up toxic free radicals. Free radical damage causes collagen and elastin to break down, which leads to wrinkles and skin losing its firmness. Antioxidants such as coenzyme Q^l 0 can protect cells from the damaging effects of these toxic chemicals, promote effective skin repair and reduce the depth of fine lines and wrinkles.

Essential fatty acids help to keep skin looking and feeling supple and it's important to include these in your diet in some way. Omega 3 and 6 are important for skin integrity, a healthy lipid layer and a smooth, luminous complexion. Unfortunately, most people don't get enough of these super skin nutrients in their diet, so a supplement makes an effective internal skin booster.