Approximately 85% of Health and Beauty Products Contain Parabens

A 2017 University of California, Berkeley study suggests parabens might be more dangerous than previously thought–even in small amounts.
The controversy surrounding parabens has to do with their chemical structure; it’s similar to that of oestrogens, which are linked to an increased risk of breast cancer and reproductive problems.
But the furore really took hold in 2004, when a British study showed “traces of five parabens in the breast tumours of 19 out of 20 women studied.” From there, the media ran stories about the possibility parabens, often found in deodorants and anti-perspirants, being linked to breast cancer–even though the study never claimed a causal relationship, and was later found invalid. Even so, many people immediately grew–and have remained–uneasy.
The short answer is no, parabens haven’t been definitively linked to health risks. A 2005 study concluded it’s “biologically implausible that parabens could increase the risk of . . . breast cancer.” But they are known to increase the growth of breast cancer cells, and to mimic oestrogen in the body. And a 2017 study suggests parabens might be more dangerous than previously thought–even in small amounts. It’s no surprise, then, that many consumers would rather leave parabens out of their quests for health and beauty.
Are Parabens Necessary?
Many people aren’t convinced they’re safe: animal studies in vitro have shown certain parabens to be potentially risky, the CDC is continuing long-term studies on their risks, and the European Union has severely restricted their use, citing possible risks to human health—-particularly in products designed for children. It is worth noting that not all products need preservatives for instance, products that don’t contain water won’t need preservatives like parabens, and those that do can be preserved in other ways.

(It’s important to note, however, that certain alternatives for parabens, however, contain allergens, skin irritants, and sensitizing ingredients. Digging deep into this issue means getting skilled at reading labels, to ensure you aren’t replacing a potentially dangerous ingredient with one proven to be risky.)
Do Parabens Cause Cancer?
The official word from the American Cancer Society is: “Although at this time there are no clear health risks from parabens in food, drugs, cosmetics, and skin care products, people concerned about exposure to parabens can avoid products containing them.”
Under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, cosmetic products and ingredients, other than color additives, don’t need FDA approval before they go on the market.
The FDA takes a similar “safe until proven unsafe” stance; in partnership with the CDC, it conducted Cosmetic Ingredient Reviews in 2003 and 2005, and stuck with findings from 1984: There isn’t enough evidence to prove parabens dangerous in cosmetics, food, or food packaging, despite studies noting their ability to (weakly) mimic oestrogen in animal studies.
But there is enough information to give many consumers pause. For example, the European Union agrees that the dangers of parabens have NOT been conclusively proven; but over the past five years, it has restricted, further restricted, and banned certain parabens.
Groups like the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics (a project of Breast Cancer Prevention Partners) second that thought. Their main concern is that “parabens are known to disrupt hormone function, an effect that is linked to increased risk of breast cancer and reproductive toxicity.” They’ll tell you parabens have been linked to reproductive, immunological, neurological and skin irritation problems (which is true, in animal studies). And, if parabens are eventually linked to cancer in humans, women will primarily be affected: they use significantly more personal care products than men do, meaning they’re exposed to far more parabens.
The FDA’s website states that no studies have proven a link between parabens and cancer in humans; but many–based on a number of animal and laboratory studies–believe it’s just a matter of time. They aren’t comforted by the FDA’s insistence that, “Studies have shown . . . that parabens have significantly less estrogenic activity than the body’s naturally occurring estrogen. Parabens have not been shown to be harmful as used in cosmetics, where they are present only in very small amounts.”
What The Experts Say
Experts in the beauty industry also disagree about parabens, but some of their concerns have to do with skin sensitivity. In short, those in the industry are likely to remain divided–at least until a conclusive body of research rolls in. But one thing virtually every skincare expert does agree on is that fragrance-free products are best for your skin–a hidden perk, given how many parabens are used in fragrances. And the fact that manufacturers aren’t required to disclose fragrance formulas; labels that don’t list parabens may still contain them under Fragrance/Parfum. Going fragrance free will also help you avoid parabens.
If you are worried about preservatives or indeed parabens in your skincare product, take a look at the full article at: